Wednesday, April 07, 2004

William Hung surely shocked me. He's naive and very polite. I don't even think that he really know that his singing is that bad. So he give a shot and went for the Idols.

Now, the world shocked along with me.

His character is undoubtedly makes us happy. I'm thinking that if this guy know that the whole world will smile mischievously to his attempt, or for God's sake, laugh at him, will he try for Idol? I doubt he will. Even right now, I believe he still thinks that the world love him because of his voice. Indeed, we do love him. But, in a strange and different kind of way.

When the foul-mouthed Cowell uttered his usual nasty remarks, The classy and humble William Hung stunned me when he answered:
"I already gave my best, I have no regrets at all"

By the way, I'm also a big fan of Cowell. He's the sole reason I'm watching the show.

Long live Mr Cowell. You rock.