Monday, August 23, 2004

Rydee was out from the Malaysian Idol’s picture. This time, it’s for good. There goes the fun from the show. For me, Syima and Rydee had brought funs and excitements to this program. They are cool-sexy-chicks with a great voice. Rydee’s departure from the show is predictable. She’s been in and out from the show more than anyone else. Malaysian seems to liking pretty-boy-Saiful (please, he’s not pretty) or even singing-out-of-tune-Victors compared to her. Thank God, after this, she won’t suffer anymore.

Thanks Malaysian for the job well done.

Bakh, sorry because I couldn’t send your regards to Paul Moss. I didn’t use that tickets bro. There’s something wrong with my car and after sending it to the workshop for a quick repair, I simply don’t feel like going anymore. So, there we (me and my wife) are in front of TV cursing and swearing to the results. Hehe. After their performance last Friday, I predicted that Saiful or Victor would be eliminated from the show. Wistful thinking.

Having said all that, now, I’m supporting Nikki and Vick more than ever. But, looking to the current trend, I’m afraid, Nikki, you are next to go. Sorry dear.


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