Monday, September 20, 2004

This week, Malaysian Idol’s theme is P. Ramlee’s songs. Okay, first thing first. I really like Jac performance this week. She’s improving (for the first time at last). Good for her. Yeah, before this she was one of the shows favorites (no doubt about that), she’s great and all that, but she’s not improving at all. And yes, at that time, I preferred Nikki to won this Idol thingy. If you ask me, I think that she deserved that wake up call (when she’s been voted at bottom two last week). She needs that. She needs that to improve.

I kinda happy with the way things turn up this week. Saiful and Andrew deserves that bottom spots. And this week, Saiful happens to be the victim.

At last.

Now, I’m hoping that Andrew will go next. I can’t imagine him as our representative in the World Idol. He’s boring, and, it’s embarrassing to even think that he’s the best that Malaysia can produce. Please, don’t let the more talented guys to bow out in order to give way for him.

Me, very mean to Andrew.

Very very nice to Mr. Paul Moss.

He rock.


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