Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I love attending interviews. Okay let me rewrite that sentence; I love attending interviews just as long that I’m not the one who is being interviewed. As a panel, there are too many characters to be evaluated and too many papers to be filled out. Okay, scratch the second part from my last sentence. That’ll only help me to stay sane and awake when there’s a boring and quite personality to be evaluated. One time, there’s one interested candidate who opt to stay silence for the whole session. She prefers to look into our eyes (I mean DEEP into our eyes) than to utter any words. Spooky if you ask me.

Though, their line of job need them to depend more on their face and built, to me looks doesn’t play a very big role in my selection. You don’t have to be drop dead gorgeous or handsome like hell to be selected by me. As long as you look presentable and posses self-confident, you had a better chance than any bimbo’s.

There’s one incident, this one candidate rush in to our room asking why he’s not being selected.

“Why in hell I’m not make it to final round.”
“That’s confidential. Please liase with HR once everything’s settled.”
“Damn you.”
“I believe you know where the door is.”

Interesting. At least, it helps me to stay awake. Haha.

That’s all brought me to this: I wonder what I’m gonna face this evening. God, please send some interesting figures to my rescue. I’m kinda sleepy right now.


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