Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Starting next week and for the next six months or so, I’m off to another department to be in their Project team. Being in this kind of team do take a lot of my time. I knew this fact clearly.

My premonition said so.

I’m afraid I wouldn’t have the privileges and chances to religiously post entries or even roam the cyber world like I had now.

It’s hiatus then for this blog. As much as I don’t like others to say those phrases, I hate myself for saying it.

Guys, be good huh.

But, we never know. Maybe it's one of the projects that wouldn't take a lot of my time. The one that is stress-free. The one, which is fun. The one with a lot of duty travels in it. Then, maybe, maybe I'll have more free times then what I had now. Pray for it, will you?
