Below article is being excerpt from yesterday’s newspaper (The Malay Mail, December 1, 2004).
Body language specialist Jackson Yogarajah has come out with a new book on detecting lies and deception – with a case study of the Sharifah Aini interview he saw on TV.
"My book details everything and on how I came to the conclusion that Sharifah was telling the truth. This could exonerate her.”
“Police officers, especially those who have attended my courses, could use it as a reference book,” he said.
"It could save organisations and the country millions by being able to detect lies and deception."
By the way, the title of that book is "55 Reasons Why Sharifah Aini Was Not Faking It", and it's slated for release by the end of the year.
Mr. Jackson, did you know that this kind of merchandising item would surely affect the outcomes of the court case she’s facing now?
Remember the letter I wrote to him before.
It’s still valid.
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