Friday, May 20, 2005

Why Ali? My Wife Ask Me

Though I really love heist movies and Ocean’s Eleven, I’d rather watch Ali compares to Ocean’s Twelve (anytime). Easily, I can give you 9 reasons why I opted for the former.

1. I really love Will Smith (Will, don’t get it the wrong way, I’m damn straight). He’s cool. He makes stupid movies entertaining (Think Bad Boys and Bad Boys 2).
2. Though it (Ocean's Twelve) had an all-star cast, Will Smith isn’t one of it.

3. Years of screen time been given to Catherine Zeta Jones and Brad Pitt (relationship). Yeah I know, Catherine is sexy and to watch Brad doing the stalking and smooth talking is fun, but that’s not as fun-sexy as learning new thieving skills.
4. Brad Pitt's obsession with his ex-girlfriend, which is not funny.
5. The actual heist. Come on, it can’t be that simple. Seriously, nobody would ever consider putting a priceless object (gold egg) in a backpack and having just two agents guarding and transporting it using public transportation?
6. The actual heist was so bad that Rebecca Loos or Monica Lewinsky’s appearance couldn't even save it.
7. But, their appearance would surely impress Paris Hilton, I would think.
8. The way in which ‘The Night Fox’ got into the museum to steal the gold egg (later, he learned that it’s fake). Come on, it’s really impossible for mankind like us to dance around the museum floor avoiding lots of laser beams that go in a random pattern. But, he did it. Twice. Whoa, he must be somebody from outer space. That makes me wanna call Agent K (Will Smith in MIB).
9. And why would they make the lasers visible to human eye? That’s not right.

So yesterday for the tenth time of my life, I watched Ali.


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